Build an inclusive workplace with engaged employees

Digital leadership tools and routines for dialogue-based follow-up, greater inclusivity and reduced workplace absence.

Leadership tools for employee engagement and reduced sick-leave!

Workability is a workplace management platform helping facilitate good communication between leaders and employees around factors affecting employees work capacity, workplace enagagement and health. 

Leader practice is the essential factor in employee engagement

Create inclusive and supportive leadership routines

Templates for a broad range of leader follow-up tasks

Customise and schedule follow-ups and dialogues

Collaborate with experts and stakeholders

Employees want to be involved in organising their work and their development.

Find out how Workability can help
Employees want to be involved in organising their work and their development.

Set up your organisation in just 30 minutes

Our distributed sign-up and onboarding  process allows you to set-up your organisation in under 30 minutes and onboard your whole workforce the same day.

Each employee uses no more then 5 minutes each to set up their account. Each leader is responsible for inviting their team members to Workability. HR and admins can view and manage the whole organisational hierarchy.

1. Set-up organisation

Add your organisation’s basic details, confirm T&Cs and data privacy, create your workspace policies and integrations with Altinn. 

2. Add top leadership

Add your CEO, HR, Leader and HR team to be administrators for your Workspace. Add department leaders to start onboarding. 

3. Start onboarding

Each leader invites their team to their Teamspace.  Each employee receives an invite to create and verify their account, and add their profile in the Organisation.

Sick-leave follow-up in Workability

1. Sick note arrives from Altinn
Your employees sick-note is recieved directly from NAV via Altinn. We create a new follow-up case page automatically, with tasks and tools to help the leader and employee build an inclusive return-to work follow-up process.
2. Employee completes self-assesment
Evaluating their Residual Work Capacity, the employee makes a proposal to their leader which highlights that working from home and some specific changes to their tasks could help them stay connected to work and support their return to full-work.
3. Customised facilitation and follow-up plan
The leader adjusts the employees tasks and work location through the facilitation tool and proposes a schedule for following-up with the employee. They agree the employee will complete a weekly task set by the leader, and they would follow this up with a meeting 2 days later to review and update the facilitation together.
4. Gradual return to full-work
Through regular dialogue and follow-up the leader and employee are able to agree to increase the amount of work and vary the tasks the employee is able to do. After several weeks they agree the employee can return to full-work. They agree to follow-up the situation every 3 months to ensure the employee has the support they need in their work arrangements.
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Teammøte med engasjerte ansatte.
Elin Glad

Hvordan skaper du engasjerte ansatte? 

Engasjerte ansatte er bra for organisasjonen. Det er både forskere og ledere enige i. Men hvordan bygger du som leder en kultur for engasjement på arbeidsplassen din? En engasjert medarbeider

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Faktorer som påvirker arbeidshelsen

Det har blitt et økende fokus på forskning relatert til arbeidshelse, og faktorer som påvirker det både positivt og negativt. Det nasjonale forskningsinstituttet innen arbeidsmiljø og arbeidshelse (STAMI) har sett

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Free trial for 3 months for all new customers

Free trial for 3 months for all new customers

Workability is helping leaders tackle modern workplace challenges

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Phone: +47 416 68 505

ORG no.: 926 624 636

Workability AS   |   926 624 636   |   Marielund 14, 2006 Tromsø, Norway