What things are covered in support?

In brief, we are responsible for the features that are advertised in the theme. So we will do the following: – Solve bugs if there

What happens after my support is expired?

After the 6-month period is over you can buy extended support. You can buy extended support in the beginning, too. I that case you get

Is the theme supported?

Yes, SaasLand comes with ThemeForest’s standard 6 months support. We conduct the support via theme’s “Comments” section and also our support ticketing system.

Is the price of the theme one-time or recurring (mo...

The payment is one-time. After you pay the one-time price of the theme, you will never be charged for it. But you can buy extended

Is there a warranty on my item?

Aut mauris ultricies error! Consequuntur eveniet impedit lacus cupidatat harum nobis minim ad beatae hendrerit explicabo, soluta, atque? Hic condimentum itaque id torquent

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