Hvem er vi?
In 2019, our founders were in a conversation with two general practitioners about sick-leave and workplace facilitation. They told how there existsed no way to have a good dialogue with patient and leader about options for workplace facilitations. We know that many employees would like to continue to work, and stay connected to their workplace, during sick-leave. But often leaders are not able to find the time and resrouces to discuss workplace accommodations.
Since then, we have collaborated with employers, occupational health services, NAV and healthcare professionals to understand the complex factors behind sick-leave, employee follow-up and workplace engagement. Workability has developed tools for good communication and structured dialogue between employees and leaders around work capacity, motivation, workplace health and employee engagement.
Workability is different from other HRM systems. Where HRM systems focus mainly on the administrative processes around sick-leave, we have additionally developed practical tools for better communication and inclusion of employees in the follow-up process and their return to full-work.
Through our focus on promoting open communication Workability helps leaders to be proactive in preventing sick-leave. By lowering the barriers to meaningful dialogue leaders build trust and better relationships with their employees. Structured routines and tools for a broad range of leadership tasks make life easier for leaders and increases employee involvement. Through small changes to day-to-day leader practice, you build a workplace that is more inclusive and supportive for employees.
Workability is built based on subject matter best practice, with contribution from organisation leaders, HR professionals, academia, occupational health specialists, psychologists and government stakeholders in the field of work and welfare.
Create a supportive and inclusive workplace with engaged employees. Try us free for 3 months – and see the results in your organisation.