Digital leadership tools and follow-up routines
for an engaged and productive workforce

Collaborative and inclusive follow-up portal

For every issue reported by an employee or new dialogue started you get an inclusive case-page portal, where you can collaborate to resolve employees work situation.  All case-pages include the Employee, their Leader and HR contact, and it is possible to invite external collbaoraters such as occupational health specialists, GP’s or NAV to the conversation to facilitate for creating good outcomes. 

Features of the follow-up case page include: 
  •  Timeline and tasks – view the history of a case and access tasks assigned to a participant in the case from the Timeline
  •  Communication – in the Feed it is possible to create new posts, comment on actions on the case and other create a dialogue with internal or  all participants.
  • Collaboration – invite external parties to access the case page and customise the data they have access to. Employee approves and tailors which parties can access their data.

Example sick-leave follow-up

1. Sick note arrives from Altinn
Your employees sick-note is recieved directly from NAV via Altinn. We create a new follow-up case page automatically, with tasks and tools to help the leader and employee build an inclusive return-to work follow-up process.
2. Employee completes self-assesment
Evaluating their Residual Work Capacity, the employee makes a proposal to their leader which highlights that working from home and some specific changes to their tasks could help them stay connected to work and support their return to full-work.
3. Customised facilitation and follow-up plan
The leader adjusts the employees tasks and work location through the facilitation tool and proposes a schedule for following-up with the employee. They agree the employee will complete a weekly task set by the leader, and they would follow this up with a meeting 2 days later to review and update the facilitation together.
4. Gradual return to full-work
Through regular dialogue and follow-up the leader and employee are able to agree to increase the amount of work and vary the tasks the employee is able to do. After several weeks they agree the employee can return to full-work. They agree to follow-up the sutuation every 3 months to ensure the employee has the support they need in their work arrangements.
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Set-up your organisation in Workability in just 30 minutes

Our unique onboarding system enables you to set-up your organisation in under 30 minutes and onboard your whole workforce the same day. 

Through a process of distributed sign-up for all users we share the workload of set-up and onboarding across your organisation. Each employee uses no more then 5 minutes each to set up their acount and add their role in the organisation.  Each leader is responsible for inviting team members they are line-manager for, continuing the onboarding waterfall process until everyone is up and running. 

All HR and admins can view the whole organisational structure and manage people moves. 

Other key features


Connected to national employment systems such as NAV and Altinn. Collect sick-leaves automatically, send updated sick-leave follow-up plans from Workability.

Data security & privacy

Data encryption, system security, BANKID user verification and 2-factor authentication ensure the securoty of employees personal and health data and provides control over data ccess.

Access anywhere

Web-application built for desktop, tablet and mobile and available on any Chrome, Edge, Explorer and Safari

FREE TRIAL for 3 months for all new customers

FREE TRIAL for 3 months for all new customers

Workability is helping leaders tackle modern workplace challenges

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Phone: +47 416 68 505

ORG no.: 926 624 636

Workability AS   |   926 624 636   |   Marielund 14, 2006 Tromsø, Norway
